French government officials reacted with horror and shocked disbelief to a published report that Vogue Editor-in-Chieff Anna Wintour was being considered as Barack Obama’s U.S. Ambassador to France. "Non, non, non," said one French official. “C’est une peau de vache.!” [Roughly translated: No, no, no… She’s a bitch!.] While it is highly unusual that a host country should insert itself in the process of choosing an ambassador, French officials apparently are convinced that the choice of Wintour merits a pre-emptive strike, fearing that the legendarily cryptic, even inscrutable style of intimidating micro-management Wintour is known for will leave them floundering at the negotiating table. One top official suggested that Wintour's theoretical ambassadorship be re-assigned. "Put her up against Kim Jong-il,” he said, referring to the leader of North Korea. "Now there's a match made in heaven."
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