In a bold gesture to improve Franco-American relations, French President Nicolas Sarkosy telephoned President-elect Barack Obama early this morning and invited him "to smoke his cigarettes at the Élysée Palace anytime," sources said.
After hanging up on Sarkosy twice, Obama had a warm and lengthy conversation with the French cigar aficionado. "From now on, I will stock Marlboros in my humidor for you, though you really should try our Gitanes," Sarkosy told Obama.
Sarkosy also congratulated Obama for his honesty in an interview with Tom Brokaw Sunday night during which Obama admitted that he had "fallen off the wagon" and continued to secretly enjoy his smokes. "We French value honesty above all in American leaders," Sarkosy said.
In one tense moment, the French President chided Obama for his choice of former First Lady Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State since she was the instigator of the White House no-smoking rule. "Elle me fiche le cafard!" (literally translated: she gives me the cockroach). Obama replied that he planned to lift the ban immediately following his inauguration. "With the economy like it is, the gum just isn't going to work," Obama told Sarkosy.